
Konzerte & Festivals

Selfish Cunt live in Berlin 12.02. Bang Bang Club* Support: Team Tyson

wild zero
Get Action! Club präsentiert:

SELFISH CUNT (Art Punk / London-UK / Sparrows Tear Records, Cargo Records)

+ Team Tyson (Punkrock / Berlin)

Für die musikalische Unterhaltung rund um das Konzert sorgt mit New Wave, Elektropunk und Indiependent Dj Wild Zero (Get Action! Club)

doors open: 21h
VVK: 8€ zzgl. Geb.
Eintritt: AK 10 Euro
Bang Bang Club, Neue Promenade 10, Berlin-Mitte (Hackescher Markt)

Selfish Cunt (London/UK)

Londoners Selfish C**t are banned from an increasing list of venues in the capital due to ‘destructive behaviour’.“

SELFISH C**T are releasing the single ENGLAND MADE ME II from the hotly anticipated album, English Chamber Music, with a full UK tour beginning at the end of November. Their come back this summer was blisteringly hot as they packed venues including London’s ominous 100 Club.

ENGLAND MADE ME II tells of the self-destructive tendencies of those who feel politically impotent, unable to take out their aggression on the powers that be. It’s intensity batters through from the opening riff to the last breath.

The album, ENGLISH CHAMBER MUSIC, is a thorn in the flesh of UK’s current music scene and reinstates the band as a force to be reckoned with. Bringing a rhythm section on board in the shape of Joao Pires (drums) and Matthew Saw (Bass), has helped refine and tighten their sound. Singer Martin Tomlinson exercises complete lyrical indulgence while Patrick Constable, freed from the drum machine, is enabled to express himself fully on guitar. The band has hit upon a new strength in song-writing and ambition.

With tours scheduled for the UK, Japan and Europe in the coming months, the future is far from quiet in Cunt Camp. Frothing at the mouth, hungrier than ever, SELFISH CUNT are back. Deal with it.“
(NOIZE MAKES ENEMIES.CO.UK / online music magazine)

SELFISH CUNT are the band that some would rather dare not to speak their name. Ostracized or suppressed by the mainstream media, glorified by their audience, they are infamous and filthy rich with spirit, they are not your fly-by-night fame-ites.

Lead Singer Martin Tomlinson is the performer of his generation. "He is by far the best live performance artist to come out of this decade if not the last twenty years - his movement ,voice and sheer beauty and the explosiveness... makes you THINK. He asks you to question, he urges you to peel your dead skin off and breathe, live, therefore stretch your square mind" (H. Jones X)

Behind him is Selfish Cunt's engine made up of Patrick Constable (Guitarist and the very man to pinpoint S.C. 's sound since they started) and new recruits Joao Pires (Drums) and Matthew J. Saw (Bass). Upon their expanding to a four piece force, and within their re-birth they are back, equally as domineering ...

They resurfaced a year ago when they were asked by Jarvis Cocker to play, the 0pening show with Motorhead at the Meltdown Festival at the South Bank Centre. ThIS was followed by the much talked about show at The Shoreditch FestIval...

... only a taster of what is about to come.

After returning to the studio, they are finally ready to unleash their new self titled album to the world
(release scheduled Sommer 2008) with a full UK and European Tour. The sound is bigger and better, still very much.independent, significant and outsider fanfare.

Selfish Cunt, Selfish C, Selfish C**T, S.c., whatever you want to call them, it does not matter. It is more than that now. They are more than a band now, which is exactly where they were fated to-be.

Team Tyson
"Jump Start My Heart"

(Intro Okt. 2008)
Die dreiköpfige Band mit ehemaligen Mitgliedern von Ten Buck Fuck und Tigers Of Doom ist auf ihrem Debütalbum ständig in Bewegung, pendelt zwischen ganz viel Punkrock und ein wenig Hardcore und kann dadurch blitzschnelle Serien von wuchtigen Haken und Hooklines am Hörer platzieren. Jeder einzelne Song auf "Jump Start My Heart" ist also ein "Wirkungstreffer", wie man in der Boxersprache sagen würde. Während der Stil von "Iron Mike" mit dem von früheren Champions wie Jack Dempsey, Rocky Marciano oder Joe Frazier verglichen wurde, erinnern Team Tyson an die Hives in ihren Anfangstagen. Die einzige Möglichkeit, von Team Tyson nicht mitgerissen zu werden, ist demnach, sich von Mike Tyson das Ohr abbeißen zu lassen
wild zero
Was ist los? Habt ihr Schiss?

Übrigens: 16.02. live im Lovelite (Berlin-Friedrichshain):
Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains (Ex-DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979)