

NERDCORE RECORDS: Black Kites / Convulsions - Split LP

Black Kites/Convulsions - Split LP out now!
After two full lengths and a split LP w/ Swallowed Up, Black Kites from New Jersey deliver six fresh songs of hardcore, somewhere between bands like Deadguy, Harvest or Disembodied. An emotionally devastating assault, aurally & lyrically. It's far beyond belief, that this wall of sound is made by three guys. Convulsions from Rhode Island come around with six tracks of blind rage mixed up w/ darker, rolling riffs. Complex, abstract & disturbing songstructures in the vein of early Botch, The Dillinger Escape Plan or Kiss It Goodbye.
Black Kites Soundcloud
Convulsions Soundcloud

handscreened & handnumbered cover (ltd 150) + standard cover
30 on blue (ltd 150) w/ different labels (Nerdcore only!)

co-release w/ Adagio830 & Glory Kid

11,00 € + shipping (Germany = 4,00 €, Europe/World = 4,10 €)
order via email at nerdcore (at)

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super platte! scheint hier aber ja niemanden zu interessieren. schade....

Zuletzt geändert von ONTURN

perlen vor die säue..
Black Kites = die vielleicht unterbewertetste Hardcore-Band der letzten Jahre! Platte muss ich aber auch noch bestellen.
Powder To The People
Also wenn ich nach Black Kites auf Youtube gucke, kommt da zwar 'ne Band, aber mit Hardcore hat das nix zu tun. Das Zeuch auf Soundcloud klingt aber hervorragend!
order via email at nerdcore (at)