

Tiger Crew - Kevin is in Jail

Drunken Third
Das ist ja wohl wirklich absurd.
Die Katerlestruppe halt :rolleyes: .
Yo, Tiger-Typ.

Irgendwie glaube ich, dass deine ganze Crew nur aus dir besteht. Also: Die letzten beiden waren musikalisch auf jeden Fall besser als die ersten paar. Speziell "Analphabetical Tiger", die Elektroschiene kannst du am besten, vielleicht weiter in die Richtung gehen. Falls das hier alles nicht weiterhin 'ne Form von Satire ist, wovon ich weiterhin ausgehe. Hast auf jeden Fall Ausdauer.
Hast auf jeden Fall Ausdauer.Olsen, 24.03.2016 17:07 #

aber hallo!
aber gerade wg. der ausdauer habe ich mittlerweile doch leichte zweifel an der satire-Hypothese.
Yo, Tiger-Typ.

Irgendwie glaube ich, dass deine ganze Crew nur aus dir besteht. Also: Die letzten beiden waren musikalisch auf jeden Fall besser als die ersten paar. Speziell "Analphabetical Tiger", die Elektroschiene kannst du am besten, vielleicht weiter in die Richtung gehen. Falls das hier alles nicht weiterhin 'ne Form von Satire ist, wovon ich weiterhin ausgehe. Hast auf jeden Fall Ausdauer.Olsen, 24.03.2016 17:07 #

Thank you for the feedback!!
Yo, Tiger-Typ.

Irgendwie glaube ich, dass deine ganze Crew nur aus dir besteht. Also: Die letzten beiden waren musikalisch auf jeden Fall besser als die ersten paar. Speziell "Analphabetical Tiger", die Elektroschiene kannst du am besten, vielleicht weiter in die Richtung gehen. Falls das hier alles nicht weiterhin 'ne Form von Satire ist, wovon ich weiterhin ausgehe. Hast auf jeden Fall Ausdauer.Olsen, 24.03.2016 17:07 #

Thank you for the feedback!!TigerCrew, 29.03.2016 16:35 #

Crew, we are missing your response!
Yo, Tiger-Typ.

Irgendwie glaube ich, dass deine ganze Crew nur aus dir besteht. Also: Die letzten beiden waren musikalisch auf jeden Fall besser als die ersten paar. Speziell "Analphabetical Tiger", die Elektroschiene kannst du am besten, vielleicht weiter in die Richtung gehen. Falls das hier alles nicht weiterhin 'ne Form von Satire ist, wovon ich weiterhin ausgehe. Hast auf jeden Fall Ausdauer.Olsen, 24.03.2016 17:07 #

Thank you for the feedback!!TigerCrew, 29.03.2016 16:35 #

Crew, we are missing your response!der_acki, 30.03.2016 11:37 #

we ARE here and we SEE you!!
In my Mauldasche you are not present, and in my Mauldasche you cannot look into.
Woas Sois...
But he can stick his Buabaspitzle into your Mauldasch!
a SHORT update from the TC: You will be getting a LOT of new TC stuff during the next few months. It was very IMPOLITE to crash your lifes like that without introducing ourselves properly so you will be getting to know the TC members SOON!! The Rite of Passage (Listen) gadgetKeys will be distributed throughout the next weeks and you will also have the chance to get one through our website, which will also be updated.

We have a lot of BANGERS in stock, which will be released adequately, starting with "ADRENALINE" VERY SOON!! This BANGER explains how we do not need any drugs other than ADRENALINE to be as DANGEROUS as we are!!

Our Instagram-Account is very active so make sure to follow us there
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Get ready for the latest TC BANGER "ADRENALINE"!! It will be released on Sunday with a SPECTACULAR visual!! Also the formal TC introduction will begin SOON and we are working on a new VIDEO for the unreleased track "Endangered Species".

Meanwhile you can watch the VIDEO for PSYCHO TERROR!!

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BANG!! The Tiger Crew presents you their latest BANGER by the name of ADRENALINE!! Consider it a POWER-UP for your life, the soundtrack to your next beer or the means to get HYPED for your next fight!! ADRENALINE is another powerful anthem that serves to establish TC's status as the most DANGEROUS crew out there!!

And we already have a new BANGER in stock which will be released with an accompanying VIDEO very SOON. Watch out for "ENDANGERED SPECIES"!!

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Hier, das wäre doch mal der richtige klangpfad für euch im kampfesgeist voranstürmende truppe...wohlan, der sieg sei euer :cheers:

Hier, das wäre doch mal der richtige klangpfad für euch im kampfesgeist voranstürmende truppe...wohlan, der sieg sei euer :cheers:SCHNETTERETENG, 15.05.2016 19:48 #

INTERESTING, it captures TC's spirit quite well!!
The Tiger Crew continues its RELENTLESS development!! We have updated our homepage and it is more GLORIOUS than ever!! We created a new category for all the SPECTACULAR visuals we deliver, a new category for the IMPRESSIVE music videos and updated the audio section. Furthermore we updated the shop and you can now purchase ALL gadgetKeys (except for the sold out ones) with international shipping!! On the front page you can now find a feed for our Instagram additional to the Twitter feed.

We have a lot of things planned, we will release the VIDEO for our next BANGER "Endangered Species" very soon and you will also get a proper introduction to all current individual TC members!!

visit the updated homepage:
Did you know that the TIGER is considered an ENDANGERED SPECIES?? This was SHOCKING news for the TC which is widely considered as one of the most dangerous crews out there!! The tiger as a strong, majestic and above all DANGEROUS animal is a symbol for the lifestyle of all TC members and is therefore VERY important to us!!
Since you know that the TC does not shy away from SENSITIVE topics about SOCIETY and the world we live in we took it upon us and produced the BANGER by the name "ENDANGERED SPECIES". It will be released with a SPECTACULAR video on SATURDAY, June 4th!!

Watch out and be prepared!!

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TOMORROW the video for the new TC BANGER "ENDANGERED SPECIES" will drop!! Get a sneak peak here and make sure to watch the video tomorrow!!

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Here it is..with one day delay due to heavy drinking by KEVIN the old troublemaker the TC presents you the new VIDEO for "ENDANGERED SPECIES"!! This is another BANGER that shows again the COMPLEXITY of TC's musical message.

A new EP will be released SOON and of course there will be new gadgetKeys for this...if you don't have a gadgetKey yet, a few can still be ordered through our website Also we will start with the introduction of ALL members of the Tiger Crew SOON!!

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Hi! How is Kevin doing? Still in Jail?