

> text vs. musik

was hat das gedruckte wort neben der tonalen untermalung für eine aussage an den verbraucher ?
wie wichtig ist der text dem künstler ?
welche texte berühren euch besonders ?
welcher text ist im gegensatz zur musik nichtssagend & umgekehrt ?

einer meiner favoriten in der kombination text / musik >
- radiohead - "house of cards" -

I don't want to be your friend
I just want to be your lover
No matter how it ends
No matter how it starts
Forget about your house of cards
And I'll do mine
Forget about your house of cards
And I'll do mine
Fall off the table,
Get swept under
Denial, denial
The infrastructure will collapse
Voltage spikes
Throw your keys in the bowl
Kiss your husband goodnight
Forget about your house of cards
And I'll do mine
Forget about your house of cards
And I'll do mine
Fall off the table,
And get swept under
Denial, denial
Denial, denial
Your ears should be burning
Denial, denial
Your ears should be burning
Denial, denial
Sehr schöne Idee, dieser Thread... werd mich da mal reinhängen, denn da gibt es einiges dazu zu posten :floet:
Das hier fällt mir gleich ein... auch wenn der Song schon mal als "Fahrstuhlmusik" bezeichnet wurde (gutes Gedächtnis :bigsmile:), der Text ist mitunter einer der berührendsten, die ich kenne...

Unheilig - An Deiner Seite...

Bleib still liegen mein Herz,
erschreck dich nicht.
Ich bin ein Freund
der zu dir spricht

Ich hab gewartet und gehofft,
dass der Moment vielleicht niemals kommt.
Dass er einfach vorübergeht.
Oder vielleicht niemals geschieht.

Ich schau zurück
auf eine wunderschöne Zeit.
Warst die Zuflucht
und die Wiege meines Seins.
Hast gekämpft
und jeden Moment mit mir geteilt.
Ich bin stolz
auch jetzt bei dir zu sein.

Ich fang ein Bild von dir
und schließ die Augen zu.
Dann sind die Räume nicht mehr leer.
Lass alles andere einfach ruhen.
Ich fang ein Bild von dir
und dieser eine Augenblick
bleibt mein gedanklicher Besitz.
Den kriegt der Himmel nicht zurück.

Du kamst zu mir
vor jedem allerersten Ton.
Als das Zeitglas unerschöpflich schien.
Du hast gelebt,
in jedem Sturm mit mir gekämpft.
Nie etwas verlangt,
nur gegeben und geschenkt.

Hast mir gezeigt
was wirklich wichtig ist.
Hast mir ein Lächeln gezaubert
mit deinem stillen Blick.
Ohne jedes Wort,
doch voll von Liebe und Leben.
Hast so viel von dir
an mich gegeben.

Ich schau zurück
auf eine wunderschöne Zeit.
Warst die Zuflucht
und die Wiege meines Seins.
Hast gekämpft
und jeden Moment mit mir geteilt.
Ich bin stolz
auch jetzt an deiner Seite zu sein.

Ich fang ein Bild von dir
und schließ die Augen zu.
Dann sind die Räume nicht mehr leer.
Lass alles andere einfach ruhen.
Ich fang ein Bild von dir
und dieser eine Augenblick
bleibt mein gedanklicher Besitz.
Den kriegt der Himmel nicht zurück.

Ich schau zurück
auf eine wunderschöne Zeit.
Warst die Zuflucht
und die Wiege meines Seins.
Hast gekämpft
und jeden Moment mit mir geteilt.
Ich bin stolz
auch jetzt an deiner Seite zu sein.

Ich fang ein Bild von dir.

Ich schau zurück
auf eine wunderschöne Zeit.
Warst die Zuflucht
und die Wiege meines Seins.
Hast gekämpft
und jeden Moment mit mir geteilt.
Ich bin stolz
auch jetzt an deiner Seite zu sein.

Ich lass dich gehen
und wünsch dir alles Glück der Welt.
In diesem Augenblick
bist du das Einzige was zählt.
Lass dich fallen
und schlaf ganz einfach ein.
Ich werde für immer an deiner Seite sein.


Einfach ein Beispiel für einen Text, der mich (egal, wie das Lied klingt) nur flasht... :bow:
Und hier ein Beispiel für GEILE MUSIK und HAMMERTEXT in EINEM SONG :bow:
Egal, ob ich auf den Text achte, nur der Musik lausche oder die Kombination aus beidem beachte, hier kann ich nur Gänsehaut kriegen :bow::bow::bow::heul::bow::bow::bow:

TATE - Sometimes Around Midnight

And it starts, sometime around midnight.
Or at least that's when you lose yourself
for a minute or two.
As you stand, under the bar lights.
And the band plays some song
about forgetting yourself for a while.
And the piano's this melancholy soundtrack to her smile.
And that white dress she's wearing
you haven't seen her for a while.

But you know, that she's watching.
She's laughing, she's turning.
She's holding her tonic like a cross.
The room's suddenly spinning.
She walks up and asks how you are.
So you can smell her perfume.
You can see her lying naked in your arms.

And so there's a change, in your emotions.
And all these memories come rushing
like feral waves to your mind.
Of the curl of your bodies,
like two perfect circles entwined.
And you feel hopeless and homeless
and lost in the haze of the wine.

Then she leaves, with someone you don't know.
But she makes sure you saw her.
She looks right at you and bolts.
As she walks out the door,
your blood boiling
your stomach in ropes.
Oh and when your friends say,
“What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost.”

Then you walk, under the streetlights.
And you're too drunk to notice,
that everyone is staring at you.
You just don't care what you look like,
the world is falling around you.

You just have to see her.
You just have to see her.
You just have to see her.
You just have to see her.
You just have to see her.
You know that she'll break you in two.
Und hier ein Beispiel für GEILE MUSIK und HAMMERTEXT in EINEM SONG :bow:
Egal, ob ich auf den Text achte, nur der Musik lausche oder die Kombination aus beidem beachte, hier kann ich nur Gänsehaut kriegen :bow::bow::bow::heul::bow::bow::bow:

TATE - Sometimes Around Midnighthousefrau1981, 06.03.2010 23:08

und mit Video dazu find ichs nochmal besser
Many of Horror:bow::bow::bow::bow:

You say "I love you, boy"
I know you lie
I trust you all the same
I don't know why

'Cos when my back is turned
My bruises shine
Our broken fairytale
So hard to hide

I still believe
It's you and me to the end of time

When we collide we come together
If we don't we'll always be apart
I'll take a bruise, I know you're worth it
When you hit me, hit me hard

Sitting in a wishing hall
Hoping it stays right
Feet cast in solid stone
I got Gilligan's eyes

I still believe
It's you and me to the end of time

When we collide we come together
If we don't we'll always be apart
I'll take a bruise, I know you're worth it
When you hit me, hit me hard

'Cos you said our love
Is letting us go, guess what
Our future is for
Many of horror
Our future's for
Many of horror

I still believe
It's you and me to the end of time

When we collide we come together
If we don't we'll always be apart
I'll take a bruise, I know you're worth it
When you hit me, hit me hard
Gänsehaut :bow::bow::bow::heul::bow::bow::bow:

TATE - Sometimes Around Midnighthousefrau1981, 06.03.2010 23:08

hammersong. hammertext.
(tate = the airborne toxic event)

und der kommentar zu unheilig ("fahrstuhlmusik") stammt von mir, i know ;)
black rebel motorcycle club - "as sure as the sun"

So now that everybody’s gone
You see no change has come
In every song you’ve ever sung
You find the words were wrong

But now the time is gonna come
And there’s no feeling lost
For everyone who could’ve loved
And made me not to love

And all the time
I thought your words were mine
You held me down
As sure as the sun
You held me down
As sure as the sun

Now I could see into your eyes
But there’s no compromise
For anyone you coulda saved
But never recognized
And now your worries gonna fall
But I won’t help at all
For everyone who sees the place
Who knows they can’t belong

And all the time
I thought your words were mine
You held me down
As sure as the sun
You held me down
As sure as the sun

You’ve taken away
Much more than you gave
What keeps me down
I’m lost in a rage
No one can explain
What keeps me down
What keeps you down

So now that everybody’s gone
You see no change has come
In every song you’ve ever sung
You find the words were wrong

And every paper that you read
You feel your spirit grieve
For everyone who’s gonna fall
The distance another leaves

And all the time
I thought your words were mine
You held me down
As sure as the sun
You held me down
As sure as the sun

You’ve taken away
Much more than you gave
What keeps me down
I’m lost in a rage
No one can explain
What keeps me down
What keeps you down
The Weakerthans "This Is A Fire Door Never Leave Open"

Headlights race towards the corner of the dining room.
Half illuminate a face before they disappear.
You breathe in forty years of failing to describe a feeling.
I breathe out smoke against the window, trace the letters in your name.
Our letters sound the same;
full of all our changing that isn't change at all.
All straight lines circle sometime.
You said "Somewhere there's a box full of replacement parts
to all the tenderness we've broken or let rust away.
Somewhere sympathy is more than just a way of leaving.
Somewhere someone says 'I'm sorry.'
Someone's making plans to stay."
So tell me it's okay.
Tell me anything, or show me there's a pull,
unassailable, that will lead you there,
from the dark, alone, benevolence that you've never known,
or you knew when you were four and can't remember.
Where a small knife tears out those sloppy seams,
and the silence knows what your silence means,
and your metaphors (as mixed as you can make them)
are linked, like days, together.
I still hear trains at night, when the wind is right.
I remember everything, lick
and thread this string that will never mend you
or tailor more than a memory of a kitchen floor,
or the fire-door that we kept propping open.
And I love this place; the enormous sky,
and the faces, hands that I'm haunted by,
so why can't I forgive these buildings,
these frameworks labeled "Home"?

stellvertretend für so ziemlich jeden text den samson je geschrieben hat :bow::bow::bow:
Archive - Chaos

finding you and me,
how I adore, the chaos of you.
Cry out,
take out,
feeling you in me,
how I love,
the chaos of you,
of you...
cruel and tormenting,
seeing us in them,
how I adore,
the chaos in them,
in them,
in them,
of you,
of you.
The Jam - Down in the tube station at midnight
Selbst nach über dreißig Jahren gruselts mich jedesmal neu.

The distant echo -
of faraway voices boarding faraway trains
To take them home to
the ones that they love and who love them forever
The glazed, dirty steps
repeat my own and reflect my thoughts
Cold and uninviting, partially naked
Except for toffee wrapers and this morning's paper
Mr. Jones got run down
Headlines of death and sorrow
they tell of tomorrow
Madmen on the rampage
And I'm down in the tube station at midnight
I fumble for change

and pull out the Queen
Smiling, beguiling
I put in the money and pull out a plum
Behind me
Whispers in the shadows
gruff blazing voices
Hating, waiting
"Hey boy" they shout
"have you got any money?"
And I said
"I've a little money and a take away curry,
I'm on my way home to my wife.
She'll be lining up the cutlery,
You know she's expecting me
Polishing the glasses and pulling out the cork"
And I'm down in the tube station at midnight
I first felt a fist, and then a kick
I could now smell their breath
They smelt of pubs and Wormwood Scrubs
And too many right wing meetings
My life swam around me
It took a look and drowned me in its own existence
It blended in with the weather
It filled my eyes, ears, nose and mouth
It blocked all my senses
Couldn't see, hear, speak any longer
And I'm down in the tube station at midnight
I said I was down in the tube station at midnight

The last thing that I saw
As I lay there on the floor
Was "Jesus Saves" painted by an atheist nutter
And a British Rail poster read "Have an Awayday

a cheap holiday -
Do it today!"
I glanced back on my life
And thought about my wife
'Cause they took the keys
and she'll think it's me
And I'm down in the tube station at midnight
The wine will be flat and the curry's gone cold
I'm down in the tube station at midnight
Don't want to go down in a tube station at midnight
Immer mitten ins Herz, Lyrics und Musik, woah.

Antony and the Johnsons - Hope there's someone

Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired

There's a ghost on the horizon
When I go to bed
How can I fall asleep at night
How will I rest my head

Oh I'm scared of the middle place
Between light and nowhere
I don't want to be the one
Left in there, left in there

There's a man on the horizon
Wish that I'd go to bed
If I fall to his feet tonight
Will allow rest my head

So here's hoping I will not drown
Or paralyze in light
And godsend I don't want to go
To the seal's watershed

Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, Will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired

The Jam - Down in the tube station at midnight
Selbst nach über dreißig Jahren gruselts mich jedesmal neu.Flabes2000, 10.03.2010 13:02

Was für ein Zufall gerade eben gehört.:cheers:
bonnie 'prince' billy - "no bad news"

Trouble, more trouble can you get anymore
Slow bubble boiling on the bedroom floor
Lonely ain't lonely, someone calling at the door
Someone lovely and she's bringing bad news

She clenches and she cries and she lays on the stairs
Pounding on the earth and yanking at her hairs
And showing such fear at being found unawares
To be here and be bringing bad news

Well, something bad happens and a lot of people go
Bad themselves, that's how awful it is
Turning half the heart into something hard and dark
And she had to bring here this

Well, she's told, "Hold your buttons and look at the sky
Someone will fix things if you let your face dry
Keep your face near the earth and your heart beat high
And you may transcend the bad news"

Well, something bad happens and a lot of people go
Bad themselves, that's how awful it is
Turning half the heart into something hard and dark
And she had to bring here this

For all hammers and nails
For all leaves and winds
For all love ambitions
And enemies and friends

She shakes her face so fiercely that all her features go
She lays like a monkey unclothed in the snow
And her voice it decays and before it does she goes,
"I will never again deliver bad news"

Something bad happens and a lot of people go
Bad themselves, that's how awful it is
Turning half the heart into something hard and dark
And she had to bring here this

Mm, hey little bird – hey little bird
Thank you for not letting go of me when I let go of you
Hey little bird – hey little bird
Thank you for not letting go of me when I let go of you
(Hey little bird – hey little bird)
Thank you for not (letting go of me when I let go of you)
Hier arbeitet der Text perfekt mit der Musik zusammen.
Arc Of Time :
You can make a plan
Carve it into stone
Like a feather falling
It is still unknown
Until the clock speaks up
Says it's time to go
You could choose the high
Or the lower road
You might clinch your fist
You might fork your tongue
As you curse or praise
All the things you've done
And the faders move
And the music dies
As we pass over
On the arc of time

So you nurse your love
Like a wounded dove
In the covered cage of night
Every star is crossed
By phrenetic thoughts
That seperate and then collide
And they twist like sheets
Till you fall asleep
And they finally unwind
It's a black balloon
It's a dream you'll soon deny

I hear if you make friends
With Jesus Christ
You will get right up
From that chalk outline
And then you'll get dolled up
And you'll dress in white
All to take your place
In his chorus line

And then in you'll come
With those marching drums
In a saintly compromise
No more whiskey slurs
No more blonde haired girls
For your whole eternal life
And you'll do the dance
That was choreographed
At the very dawn of time
Saying, I told you son
The day would come
You would die, you'd die, you'd die, you'd die
You would die, you'd die, you'd die, you'd die
You would die, you'd die, you'd die, you'd die
You would die, you'd die, you'd die

To the deepest part
Of the human heart
The fear of death expands
Till we crack the code
We have always known
But could never understand
On a circuit board
We will soon be born
Again, again, again, again
And again, again, again, again
And again, again, again, again
And again, again, again
Der Song selber gefällt mir nur im Refrain (die Strophen sind mir zu "rammsteinig"), aber der Text ist Hammer :bow:

Unheilig - Spiegelbild:

Sag mir alles was du denkst
Sag mir alles was du siehst
Wo gingst du hin
Hast du dich dafür gehasst
Wenn Gedanken weiter waren
Und dein Wort blieb stehen

Wolltest alles schon beenden
Weil die Hoffnung einfach ging
Was ist dann geschehen
Warst du viel zu oft alleine
Weil jeder der mit dir sprach
Aus Mitleid ging

Ich habe dich niemals vergessen
Nur vertrieben und verdrängt
Wo gingst du hin
Hatte viel zu oft nur Angst
Zu dir zu stehen und zu sprechen
Was ist dann geschehen

Jede Erinnerung jede Flucht
jeder noch so weite Weg
führte nur zu dir zurück
warst du viel zu oft alleine
Weil jeder der mit dir sprach
aus Mitleid ging

Manchmal kommst du mich besuchen
Und erinnerst mich daran
Wenn die Angst kam zu verlieren
hab ich oft an dich gedacht
denn wo sind all die klugen Stimmen
Die dein Leben einfach planten
Wo sind sie hin
Und wo sind all die Besserwisser
Die nur lachten und dich straften
Jetzt sind sie still, endlich still

Mit der Klinge in der Hand
Warst du kurz davor zu gehen
Was ist dann geschehen
Hast gewartet auf den Mut
Der als Hoffnung wiederkam
wie weit wolltest du gehen

Hättest dir niemals verziehen
Nur aus Schwäche aufzugeben
Was ist dann geschehen
Nur weil andere dich nicht sehen
So wie du wirklich bist
Wie weit wolltest du gehen

Manchmal kommst du mich besuchen....

Wenn du heute vor mir stehst
Und ich in deine Augen seh
Macht alles Sinn
Denn ohne deinen Schmerz
Hätte ich nie die Kraft gefunden
So zu sein wie ich heute bin

Manchmal kommst du mich besuchen....
Grundsätzlich ist das bei Text vs. Musik so wie bei Aufsätzen mit der Inhaltsnote. Die Gesamtenote kann eben nicht beser sein als der Inhalt.

So ist das bei Musik in beide Richtungen. Musik, die scheiß Text hat, geht nicht. Scheiß Musik, die guten Text hat, kann man nur zitieren :D

Also in dem Sinne:

Tunng - Bullets

Green hills and enemies
These things they make us sentimental inside
Your words are gelignite
Or just another sentimental aside

We're catching bullets in our teeth
And though it's easy if you know how it's done
They split the secret up six ways before they gave it to us just before dawn
And now we don't remember

Our blood and guts are out
We spread our bones across the table at night
We cut our fingers off
To give ourselves those little extra insights

We're catching bullets in our teeth
And though they try hard not to say how it's done
They always do
They spill the secret out six ways
And beg for our forgiveness
Just before dawn
And now we don't remember

We're catching bullets in our teeth
It's hard to do but they're so sweet
And if they take a couple out
We try to work things out
We catching bullets with our
Heads and hearts and all the darkest parts of us
It's strange to find such light
In such endless night

So sweet to lose a friend
You leave the church and taste
The air in your lungs
Old lies and fireflies
Carve angels on your eyes
And all is undone
You whisper prayers into the dark
Up to a god in whom you've never believed
You always do
You split the secret up six ways
But it won't make it any easier to see
And now we don't remember

We're catching bullets in our teeth
Its hard to do but they're so sweet
And if they take a couple out
We try to work things out
We're catching bullets with our
Heads and hearts and all the darkest parts of us
It's strange to find such light
In such endless night
We're catching bullets in our backs
We sent the undertaker back
Into the garden in the drought
To try to work things out
We're catching bullets with the best resources that we've got
We're happy then again we're not
We shout - through the endless doubt

Unglaublich heftiger, geiler Text und Musik!!!
Für mich das Höchstmaß an Perfektion zwischen Text und Musik:

Bloc Party - "SRXT"

Walking in the countryside
It seems that the winds have stopped
I took down the posters from my wall
Left letters for you all

I remember moments of happiness
Endless summer, acoustic guitars
Being a man made me coarse
When I wanted to be delicate

I called up Eugene
Told him I was drowning

Like a castaway on a warm ocean
Waiting for a purpose to rise
They say it's not becoming
For a boy my age

If you want to know what makes me sad
Well it's hope, the endurance of faith
A battle that lasts a lifetime
A fight that never ends

Walking in the countryside
It seems that the winds have stopped
Tell my mother I am sorry
And I loved her

Death Cab For Cutie - "Passenger Seat"

I roll the window down
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen
From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.

Then looking upwards
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.

"Do they collide?"
I ask and you smile.
With my feet on the dash
The world doesn't matter.

When you feel embarrassed then i'll be your pride
When you need directions then i'll be the guide
For all time.
For all time.
Hell To Pay
mal ein beispiel für einen sehr lustigen text:

Good Clean Fun - A little bit EMO, A little bit Hardcore

He was a little bit Emo, he loved his sweaters and his Thursday too
While she was talking about Ian, he was dreaming of Brand New
She was a little bit hardcore, wore a Bane shirt and had an edge tattoo
While he sang Taking Back Sunday, she was moshing with her crew

She showed him times gone by, he showed her how to cry
They both thought Chris Carrabba was the world's cutest guy
He sang her songs all day, she loved him anyway
They lived in different worlds, but hey that's ok

He didn't get the connection, seen a few shows that was all he knew
And so she played him the classics, and now he loves hardcore too
That day they finally realized, both their scenes are one big family
And if it wasn't for hardcore, then Emo would never be

Sometimes she'd play him music while they'd lie together in the dark
He finally heard old Fugazi, he said, "this sounds like bear vs. shark"
(oh, no!) We're not the first, I know we're not the last
The kids will always take the rock away, c'mon, ;let's start today
Wunderschöner Text, kraftvoller Song... Hammermischung, die unter die Haut geht...


So tired
So tired of liars

you promised me you'd stay
and never leave again
i will go anywhere now
anywhere you might have been

so close tonight
please stay with me
and when it's over let me go
just stay here with me

free yourself
and cut away these ties
you can go anywhere now
be anyone you want to be

so close this time
please stay with me
and when it's over let me go

just stay tonight and never leave
cause in the morning we're going home
just stay here

the night could fall all over me
and when it's over just let me go
the night could fall all over me
cause in the morning we're going home

stay with me