

allerhand ! meldungen aus dem musik-universum ...

wow HYDRA HEAD ist tot:

"Hydra Head Records has never been a smooth-running operation. We've spent the majority of our existence excitedly scrambling from one thing to the next, taking on more than we could ever possibly hope to achieve, and never quite finding solid footing in the midst of our self-induced whirlwind of chaos. Though not every second of doing this label has been enjoyable, it has been a very rewarding and meaningful project for me, and I hope for many of the other lives to which it has been directly connected. The fact that it has lasted close to two decades at this point is astonishing, and much has changed during that time - the lives of those directly involved with running the label, the bands and artists we've worked with, and the nature of the music industry itself. Though many of these changes have been positive, or at least illuminating, the impact of our history and current industry circumstances are culminating into a slow and somewhat painful death for the label. It certainly isn't an entirely unforeseen event, but we didn't think it would come quite so abruptly, or (perhaps naively) ever.
The decision to pull the plug has not been an easy one, and in some ways is a not a choice at all. The simple fact of the matter is we've been running on empty for a while now and cannot afford to keep our doors open for much longer. Years of imbalance between creative ideals and financial realities, personal problems amongst the label operators, an unwillingness to compromise our aesthetic standards, a tendency towards releasing challenging (i.e. unmarketable) artists, and the steady decline of the music industry in general, are amongst the chief reasons for our inability to continue. It is a harsh but undeniable reality, and one which we are attempting to confront with as much integrity and grace as is afforded by the circumstances.
For the short term we will continue to operate as we have been, effecting our first step into shutdown this December, at which point we are cutting off new releases from the label. Thereafter, we will be remain operational only in the interest of maintaining our back catalog, with the ultimate aim of repaying our rather sizable debts. Grim though this prospect is, in the midst of it all I still feel an extreme gratitude for everything that has happened and for all the wonderful people with which we've been involved over the years. We've been lucky enough to work with some of the most unique and provocative artists of the last two decades, many of which have made indelible impressions in the underground, and by extension the larger world of music in general. We've also been fortunate to have had the support of a small but loyal following, who've constituted the very essence of our life force. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and love to each and every person who contributed to making this label what it is - all the artists who entrusted us as the custodians of their work, all the people that bought or listened to our releases, and all the people who performed the various label duties at various offices (and houses) across the continent.
...and this brings us to the present moment, where in all honesty we are in need of financial assistance from anyone and everyone who's willing to throw us a rope. Though it is highly unlikely we'll be able to resuscitate the label, we do wish to follow through on the final round of releases to which we're committed and pay off our debts to our artists and manufacturers. In order to do this we are initiating a massive sell-off of everything we can dig up and produce for the next 6-12 months. This will include discounted bundles of CDs/LPs/posters/etc, represses of certain titles for which we still have parts, test pressings, and whatever worthwhile items we can pull together. For anyone that is able and willing to fund our funereal arrangements please visit our direct mailorder or webstore and pick up whatever you can. Any and all support is greatly appreciated by our remaining team, and will be put to the best use possible.
There is no way to sum up nearly 20 years of incredibly important music, experiences, and evolution other than to say a big heart felt "thank you", and that we hope this closing will provide an opening into other even more positive and rewarding experiences for all of us and all of you who have been a part of our shared experience. For now we bid you all a very fond farewell....
-Aaron Turner
09/10/12 "
Waas, Web 1.0 :mad: ?
Ja pfui Spinne, sag ich da...
Woas Sois...
Hydra Head tot? Bei den Preisen? :hm:
Hydra Head tot? Bei den Preisen? :hm:Woas Sois..., 11.09.2012 20:56

Finde den Widerspruch...

(Just my New Drachm)
Hydra Head tot? Bei den Preisen? :hm:Woas Sois..., 11.09.2012 20:56

Irgendwann sind die eigenen Taschen auch mal voll.
Hydra Head tot? Bei den Preisen? :hm:Woas Sois..., 11.09.2012 20:56

Irgendwann sind die eigenen Taschen auch mal LEER.Mulaggi, 11.09.2012 21:08
Hm, echt schade um Hydra Head. Waren zwar teuer, haben aber auch tollen und neben der Spur fahrende Bands eine gute Plattform geboten.
ich finds auch vor allem schade. klar waren die preise stets an der grenze zwischen gut und böse. aber die sachen die sie rausgebracht haben waren definitiv immmer 1a qualität. wirklich schade!
No Use For A Name haben sich nach dem Tod von Sänger Tony Sly jetzt auch offiziell aufgelöst. hatte zu der Meldung noch ein paar schöne Worte aus einem der letzten Interviews mit dem Verstorbenen zu bieten:

We never set any goals, yet I've played everywhere in the world with my band and support bands that we all became close with, and now we are a family. I never forget anyone in the punk scene. I'm shy but I love punk and the whole scene today. We play huge festivals one day and a bar the next.

I'm very lucky to have done this for so long. It was a nice surprise in my life that has lasted for 25 years by next year. That's amazing. I'm so lucky and appreciate everyone in the scene and all the fans that we'd be nothing without. That's what keeps me going, this is my life.

Ein guter Typ war das.
Drunken Third
No Use For A Name haben sich nach dem Tod von Sänger Tony Sly jetzt auch offiziell aufgelöst. hatte zu der Meldung noch ein paar schöne Worte aus einem der letzten Interviews mit dem Verstorbenen zu bieten:

We never set any goals, yet I've played everywhere in the world with my band and support bands that we all became close with, and now we are a family. I never forget anyone in the punk scene. I'm shy but I love punk and the whole scene today. We play huge festivals one day and a bar the next.

I'm very lucky to have done this for so long. It was a nice surprise in my life that has lasted for 25 years by next year. That's amazing. I'm so lucky and appreciate everyone in the scene and all the fans that we'd be nothing without. That's what keeps me going, this is my life.

Ein guter Typ war das.OneFingerSalute, 12.09.2012 23:36

Richtig. Und ich hab's schonmal erwähnt, tu's aber nochmal:
Nach dem Konzert in Osnabrück 2004 hatten wir an der Bar zuerst nur mit ihm, später mit beiden Bands und der Crew saumäßig Spaß. Soviel Spaß, dass uns der Tourmanager zum Konzert in Hannover zwei Tage später eingeladen hat.
Tony wollte unbedingt ein paar deutsche Schimpfwörter lernen, beigebracht haben wir ihm "fick die Ziege Arschloch Nutte". Und das betrunken im Amislang kam echt gut.
Schöner Abend.
Blake Schwarzenbachs (Jawbreaker, Jets To Brazil) eigentlich schon wieder zu Grabe getragene Band The Forgetters lebt doch noch oder wieder oder was weiß ich:


Yeah, hab ich richtig Bock drauf! Die Vier-Song-EP war nämlich super.OneFingerSalute, 10.09.2012 16:41

Forgetters s/t Album steht zum pre-ordern bereit:
Forgetters s/t Album steht zum pre-ordern bereit:
MidheavenJustusMeinFreund, 17.09.2012 09:44

Super! Ich werde aber auf die heimischen Läden warten.
Drunken Third
Dito.Drunken Third, 17.09.2012 11:19
Caspian streamen ihre neue Platte Waking Season
