
Konzerte & Festivals

Her Name Is Calla (UK) Eurotour 01.11.11-16.11.11

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The Silent Ballet (8.5/ 10)
The patience Her Name Is Calla has had in developing this, their first full length, has yielded a timeless gem… Sorrowful… Spine chilling… Sumptuous.

Rock-a-Rolla (8/ 10)
To use words like ‘breathtaking’ and ‘magnificent’ probably wouldn’t do the album justice.

Allgigs (4.5/ 5)
With its post rock, symphonic-like soundscapes and barrage of emotion, 'The Quiet Lamb' is very little short of an audio masterpiece. [...] Through their lengthy sonic explorations it’s clear that every note and every subtle timbre has been precisely considered to perfectly construct this intelligent and diverse atmospheric post rock-orchestral cross breed work of art. Not for the feint-hearted, nor accessible to everyone, but full of drama and astounding musicianship that's well worth losing oneself in.

Whisperin and Hollerin (10/ 10)
[The Quiet Lamb] goes beyond mere music: its ambition and scope so monumental and so vividly realised as to be transcendental.

Guerilla Week (5/ 5)
The new album from Her Name Is Calla does not fit into any clear genre pigeonhole and may even be an early entry from a new generation of music. […] The Quiet Lamb is an epic journey that transcends musical boundaries, and is both contemplative and exhilarating for its listeners. […] [It is] a very strong contender for Album of the Year. This is an album that must be listened to.

Gold Flake Paint (4.5/ 5)
As debut albums go ‘The Quiet Lamb’ is incomparable. In fact it’s pretty much incomparable to any other record I’ve heard. Put simply, it’s one of the most extraordinary and awe-inspiring records released by a British band for quite some time. Genuinely brilliant.

Her Name Is Calla verstehen es, im richtigen Moment eine künstlerische Ruhe einkehren zu lassen und verleihen ihren Stücken, eine unverkennbare Tiefe. (…)"The Quiet Lamb" ist eine aufrichtige Platte, in der Arbeit und Hingabe stecken. (20/ 20)
Her Name Is Calla haben mit The Quiet Lamb eines der besten Alben geschaffen, die ich bisher in diesem Jahr zu hören bekommen habe. Ergreifend!!!

Allschools (9/ 10)
Wenn diese Platte eines besitzt, dann ist es Persönlichkeit!

Elektrolurch (4/ 5)
In einer Zeit, in der immer mehr musikalische Einheitsware produziert wird, ist es geradezu wie eine Erlösung, immer noch Perlen in der unabhängigen Musikwelt zu wissen! Her Name Is Calla bieten mit “The Quiet Lamb” große Musikkunst, die es verdient gehört und verehrt zu werden.