


Jo Burns
Alternative-Stoner-Pop Band "Tease & Denial" is a female fronted four piece band (v,g,b,d). We play a mixture of stonerrock, indie and noiserock, but many times adding a catchy Pop edge to it, while putting a lot of emphasis on songwriting - all in all a mixture you don't find very often.
Our songs are unique and mostly quite heavy, our stage performance is loud and intense, and our requirements as well as our aspirations concerning the band's future ways are high. All of us are very experienced, in our late 30s/early 40s, and we will not settle for less… Since we are spread over Berlin and Amsterdam (which says a lot about how we feel about our musical and personal collaboration), we don't rehearse on a regular/weekly basis, but instead, every couple of weeks we meet up for a few days, rehearsing intensely from noon till night. Plans are to produce "Tease & Denial's" debut album soon, go on tour, play festivals, get the job done...

At this moment, "Tease & Denial" is in need of a new bass player, so this is what we are looking for :

- Your bass is preferably positioned rather close to your balls…
- Your playing skills are very good, but you don't have to show this all of the time. You perform by the principle of "less is more", except when it comes to sound.
- Your sound is very full-bodied, warm and heavy, many times distorted, with a big punch. Most of the time you use a plectrum, whose attack on the strings may definitely be heard.
- You are a nice, empathetic and reliable person with a good sense of humor, willing to dedicate yourself to what you want.
- You speak reasonable English (or even Dutch), for those are our working languages during the sessions.
- You don't mind travelling once in a while between Germany and The Netherlands for shows and rehearsals/recordings

We don't indulge in name-dropping. If you're interested, please check

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