

Suburban Home Records turns 14 - free album download

With Suburban Home’s 14th Anniversary, we have made the decision that we would like to give everyone in the world one free album. We are a bit biased, but we think that Suburban Home is one of greatest record labels in the world while also being one of the smallest, least known record labels around. We hope that our offer to give you a free album will entice you to pick a release from one of our artists and hope that it will encourage you to tell others to grab an album, too. Take advantage of this offer to listen to just how amazing the Austin Lucas album is, to fill in a gap in your Drag the River or Tim Barry collections, to pick up Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground’s self-titled album, to dig deeper into our back-catalog, or pick an album you have only heard about.

There are just a few, easy steps:

1. Visit this url:
2. Fill in your email address (the download code will be emailed to your email so make sure it is valid)
3. Answer if you would like to join our email list and then select the album you want us to send to you.
4. We know that if you really wanted to, you could do this more than once, but we please ask that you only pick one album for Free Download.

That is all you have to do. We will email codes every day that you can reimburse for one, free album download (of 320 Kbps mp3s). This isn’t automated so know that it might be as long as a day before you get your free download. And know that this offer expires when September is over.

I know that there are a lot of great labels and way too many amazing releases to keep up with. We hope that this offer gets you to listen to a release that you might otherwise never listen to. Please tell your friends about this, post it on your Facebook, Retweet the post, post it on your blog, and/or do something absolutely unthinkable and tell a friend over the phone or in person. 14 years is a very long time (at least to me) to still exist in this crazy industry. If you have ever purchased one of our releases, saw one of our bands on tour, and/or told someone to check out what we do, THANK YOU! And if this FREE ALBUM helps you to discover what we are about, WELCOME!

Please post a comment on this post or in our message boards and feel free to mention what album you picked."Virgil / Suburban Home Records, 08.09.2009"

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Ich habe mich für Stereotyperider - „Songs in the Keys of F and U“ entschieden.
Hm, mir sagt keine dieser Bands etwas (ich glaube, Useless I.D. hab ich schonmal gehört...). Hat jemand einen Tipp?
Hm, mir sagt keine dieser Bands etwas (ich glaube, Useless I.D. hab ich schonmal gehört...). Hat jemand einen Tipp?SGT_SLEAZY, 09.09.2009 13:54

Joey Cape
Two Cow Garage
Hm, mir sagt keine dieser Bands etwas (ich glaube, Useless I.D. hab ich schonmal gehört...). Hat jemand einen Tipp?SGT_SLEAZY, 09.09.2009 13:54

Mein Tipp: reinhören oder reinhören. Meine Empfehlung: Lagrecia.
tja, ich warte jetzt seit über 24h auf das entsprechende mail mit dem downloadcode ... :confused:
tja, ich warte jetzt seit über 24h auf das entsprechende mail mit dem downloadcode ... :confused:-PMH-, 10.09.2009 11:02

Ich habe auch noch keine Email bekommen - seltsam.
Naja, in dem Text steht ja, dass jeder Code einzeln und individuell per Hand versandt wird. Jetzt stellt euch mal vor, dass da, sagen wir 500 Leute mitmachen. Schon wird's ne sehr aufwändige Sache ;)
Ach so, ich dachte schon, dass es daran liegt, dass ich den Newsletter nicht abonieren möchte.
So, mein Download-Code ist eben angekommen. Habe mich für Joey Cape entschieden.
Meiner auch (Stereotyperider - „Songs in the Keys of F and U“).
So, mein Download-Code ist eben angekommen. Habe mich für Joey Cape entschieden.SGT_SLEAZY, 11.09.2009 00:22

dto. :cool: